The NCE has 200 multiple choice questions of those, 160 will count towards your score. The other 40 questions are for norming future versions of the test, these questions are not scored for you. A different form of the NCE is compiled for each administration of the test. Although, the forms of the test may differ, the content areas and number of questions remain consistent. The NCE embodies apiece of the original eight CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs) content areas, along with content questions merging from the five work behaviors from NBCC’s national job analysis.
To prepare for this exam, you must know more than just the field of study. Having a specific skill set of test-taking, knowing how to decipher the test questions, and the having best practices for choosing the right answer choice.
Some tips to help you through selecting the best answer:
1. Have a strategy for approaching each question
- This will give you a method to answer each question and enable you to remain mentally drew in and less engrossed with any feelings of pressure. It will also enable you to attenuate and peruse each question painstakingly.
2. Read the questions carefully
- When your perusing the questions carefully, look out for answers that are distractors.
3. Making an educated guess
- One of several techniques utilized for guessing is knowing how to look for context clues.
You want to remember that you only get points for correct answers and wont be penalized for answers you get wrong. This means if you are uncertain about an answer, it's in your best interest to simply guess.
One of the primary aptitudes for guessing is to know how your knowledge of the field can enable you to dispense the wrong answer. For instance, if you are given information about a theorist, and don't know the answer, you could make an educated guess based upon the context of the question.