Here are some of the ethical codes an LPC must follow. All information presented below comes from the Texas State Board.
(a) A licensee shall not make any false, misleading, deceptive, fraudulent or exaggerated claim or statement about the licensee’s services, including, but not limited to:
(1) the effectiveness of services;
(2) the licensee’s qualifications, capabilities, background, training, experience, education, professional affiliations, fees, products, or publications; or
(3) the practice or field of counseling.
(b) A licensee shall not make any false, misleading, deceptive, fraudulent or exaggerated claim or statement about the services of a mental health organization or agency, including, but not limited to, the effectiveness of services, qualifications, or products.
(c) A licensee shall discourage a client from holding exaggerated or false ideas about the licensee’s professional services, including, but not limited to, the effectiveness of the services, practice, qualifications, associations, or activities. If a licensee learns of exaggerated or false ideas held by a client or other person, the licensee shall take immediate and reasonable action to correct the ideas held.
(d) A licensee shall make reasonable efforts to discourage others whom the licensee does not control, from making misrepresentations; exaggerated or false claims; or false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements about the licensee’s practice, services, qualifications, associations, or activities. If a licensee learns of a misrepresentation; exaggerated or false claim; or false, deceptive, or fraudulent statement made by another, the licensee shall take immediate and reasonable action to correct the statement.
** All information was obtained from the Texas State Boards website. For the full ethical codes please visit