What is Fatigue?
Fatigue is defined as a sentiment of absence of vitality and inspiration that can be physical, mental, or both. However, if you don't take the time out to balance yourself, work life, and studying, you can experience fatigue. As a helping professional you decided that you wanted to help others overcome their obstacles they may be dealing with, but it is crucial that you take care of yourself so you can provide the best care.
Here are 7 ways to prevent fatigue.
1. Make time for family & friends
I know that you are juggling many things but you need to enjoy being in the company of love ones. This is your support system regardless of the countless things you have going on. Open your schedule to either make a phone call or just send a text. They care about you and your wellbeing.
2. Schedule your time accordingly
You may have a to do list that never reaches completion. Something will always come up or need to be rearranged. This means that you need to schedule a mental health break, it can be one day or multiple days out of the week, but scheduling in advance gives you something to look forward to in the end. No more excuses of "I have so much on my plate, I cant afford to take a break". You need to maintain your sanity in order to help others and self- care is a starting place.
3. Learn to say No
You can't spend all of your time helping others. If you don't set boundaries burnout will occur. The problem is that you are caring, have a heart, and say yes to others who often demand your time even after working hours. I get it, it's the profession; don't worry what others may think or say if you say no. You have to stand fast if you want to continue to help others. By saying no and setting healthy boundaries is crucial for preventing fatigue.
4. Read a book or magazine not related to the field
Our day to day learning as we grow professionally, can consume our personal lives. From books, to trainings, to workshops, to websites, to networking sites, to many more, its all about the profession. Find time to grab something different whether it's fiction, fashion, romance, comic, poetry, or Art. Relaxation isn't a crime, it's a requirement.
5. Get out & enjoy yourself
As simply put "Get Out & Enjoy Yourself." Everyone needs a little fresh air once in a while. For the most part our work, requires us to be indoors for 8 hours a day. Try to start a new routine to go outside before lunch, and mid afternoon. Remember, that you owe it to yourself to stay healthy and sane.
6. Find a mentor
Having a mentor can help you see things from a different perspective an help you improve in areas you may be struggling with. They can also provide you with guidance, support, or just lend an ear.