The skills required to successfully pass the NCE for the LPC exam resembles a seed being planted to grow a beautiful flower: If no one waters the seed, it wont blossom into a beautiful flower. However, success on the NCE involves:
1. Exam Taking Aptitudes: Regardless of the amount of studying, you'll experience things on the exam that you haven't found in your textbooks or practice tests. Great exam-taking aptitudes are significant for having the capability to respond to these difficulties and to make instructed surmises.
2. Content Mastery: Is determining mastery of a body of knowledge, it implies that you know the information so well that you would be equipped for disclosing it to another person. All the more explicitly, you should be able to take any chapter out of a book and be fit to teach with no notes.
3. Managing Anxiety and Cognitive Distortions: Regardless of whether you have excellent exam-taking aptitudes and know the content all around, your prosperity can at present be attacked if you haven't figured out how to oversee psychological bends and test-taking nervousness.
*Remember Study Smarter, Not Harder*