Before Studying Secrets:
This exam is unlike others so approach it differently. You need to understand how questions are worded on the test, the types of answers the Board is searching for, and how to distinguish the correct responses from incorrect responses.
Sometimes the most effective studying material is regularly disregarded by test- takers. This is due to the overbearing of materials out on the market.
I want you to try to envision the anguish if you spent months studying material and, when it came time for the exam, you didn’t know how to apply the information you learned. Now try to foresee having the right material to study and being able to apply what you learned on the exam.
My goal for you is that you have everything you need to pass on the first attempt.
What can you do?
Check out these study materials. They have been found to assist NCE test-takes with a passing score.
Encyclopedia of Counseling by Howard Rosenthal 3rd edition
Encyclopedia of Counseling by Howard Rosenthal 4th edition
Vital Information and Review Questions for the NCE (Audio CD)
NCE Practice Questions
NCE Flashcard Study System
You can utilize these aids to assist in your studying. I have an passed on the first attempt.
Here’s how to do it:
Find materials that will provide you with a mixture of studying (content) and practice questions (testing the content area)
Cues to where you are in your studying
Rationales for why answers are right or wrong
Be updated with accurate information
Optimize your learning